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Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Writing this book gave me a book hangover! I am so excited about the release of GRUNT. The book has had so much support and love, I cannot thank you enough!

Grunt by Kailee Reese Samuels 
Releasing May 30, 2017! 

💕Amazon US: http://bit.ly/2Grunt
💕Amazon CA: http://bit.ly/GruntCA
💕Amazon UK: http://bit.ly/GruntUK
💕Amazon AU: http://bit.ly/AUGrunt

GOODREADS http://bit.ly/GetGrunt

Six days.
No one thought I could last
Here in the cell—I now call home
They didn’t know I grew up in the prison of my crime family’s dream.
Six weeks.
No one thought I could withstand
The loss, the drugs, the torture
They didn’t know how much I would enjoy their game.
Six months.
No one thought I could survive
Their puppet and prey—but I like to play—Hard.
And I don’t lose.
They picked the wrong guy. Their so-called ‘grunt’ would fight to get home and take revenge. I vowed to come back—for her—for Kaci. But everything changed.
My maniacal mind wrapped with a pretty mug, I am an unforgiving bastard, tough—tougher than they ever imagined.
And I will never – ever – break.

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