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Saturday, October 29, 2016

I'm not dead.

I've been missing for the most part from social media for the past year. Perhaps an intentional - thought-filled reflection, my own personal sabbatical.

And if you are curious, here's where I have been.

Mostly hospitals. My Dad had a stroke. And all told at the farmhouse by years end we will have had five surgeries under one roof. Life sucks sometimes. But fear not, the writing wheel spins on. Only now, better oiled than before.

As for me, I account for one of those surgeries. I had a little lump come up in my hand about five years ago when I was teaching myself to quilt. I thought nothing of it and asked the doctor about it. It was just a ganglion and would likely disappear. However, if it started hurting, I should see a hand specialist.

Guess what?
My damn pet pet was a fucking monster. Almost three inches long, two inches wide, and an inch thick. A fatty benign tumor, a lipoma.

So, I had surgery October 7. I have graphic nasty photos which I will spare you. Now, I am recovering and getting used to being the 8-finger typist. I can't feel my ring finger or pinky yet. I may never feel them again, but hopefully the feels will return in time. But fuck, what do I care really? I have my fucking hand. All is right in my book. Sure it sucks but it could be much worse.

What else do I know?
I decided in July to test drive an editor after much debate. Always having that fear of - omg this is going to change me, this is going to turn into his/her painting - ok, I was wrong. But I needed to come to this place on my own. So the lovely Ms D and myself ran a spell through Tea for Two, which was next up to be published. I fell head over heels again with writing after being pretty damned disgruntled. (Read: if I had a dollar for every time I said I was giving this public showing of my art up...)

But alas, I decided I liked Ms D so much, I would give her the big baby of Juliet. And of course, her companion The Initiation. So now, I am better than ever, stronger than before, and ready to grab life by the balls.

Wanna join me?
I'd love to have you.


P.S. And as always, this blog will never fucking be edited. Come because you want but hell, don't expect me to edit this...it ain't gonna happen. ;)